In a scene reminiscent of George Orwells 1984 novel Transport for London (TfL) are planning to introduce measures that will prevent people from exceeding the speed limit.

They have launched a technology called Intelligent Speed Adaptation for all their buses. Basically it is a gizmo on board that uses GPS to identify the speed limit on the road you are driving and then limits your speed. Put the pedal to the metal and it brakes. The bus takes over and will not let the driver go any faster than the speed limit.

TfL want to introduce this to cars, initially voluntarily. There are 2 systems, one where you are notified (no doubt by an annoying nagging voice) that you are speeding and 'advised' to slow down and one where you are physically stopped from going any faster. Suggestions that such a system already exists and is called The Mother in Law have been made but we could not possibly comment.

TfL, however, believes ISA has several benefits, including a lower chance of speeding tickets, an associated reduction in CO2 and fuel costs and - 'improved driver style'

I wonder whether this sort of system could be extended? How about Burglars have a chip put in their arm and if they try to enter your house they are physically stopped by an electric shock...... but of course we couldn't do that because it is against human rights.

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