Q - My phone has a loudspeaker, when I get a call I just answer it, put into onto loudspeaker and then I can talk whilst it is in my top pocket. Am I committing a offence?
A. - YES. It is an offence if the phone is or must be held at some point during the course of making or receiving a call. The only way you can answer a call is with a hands free kit that allows you to answer by simply pressing a button without holding the phone. But beware - if you are distracted whilst on a call you could still be committing an offence of driving without due care or failing to have proper control of the vehicle.
Q. I drive a van, it is taxed the same as a car, it is registered as Private Light Goods but I have been stopped driving at 56 in a 60 zone,and the police say I was speeding. Are they right?
A. The law has changed, vans are now limited to 50 mph on a single carriageway and 60 on a dual carriageway. The only van that is classed the same as a car is a 'car derived van' These are vans that are both derived from a car chassis and also have a maximum laden weight of no more than 2 tonnes. This means that the weight of the vehicle and the payload it is designed to be able to carry when added together do not exceed 2 tonnes. The van design must be a derivative of a car body, it is not sufficient that it looks similar to a particular car.
Q My partner is 7 months pregnant and finds it hard to wear a seat belt, is she exempt?
A. No, pregnancy itself is not a ground for exemption but if a doctor certified it was not safe for her to wear one on medical grounds then that would be sufficient.
If you have any questions you can call or email us for a FREE initial advice - visit our website at http://www.motoringlawyersonline.com
Labels: FAQ speeding, mobile phones, seat belts